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RACHEL KERR Masterpeace


More than a debut album, multi-award-winning recording artist Rachel Kerr releases her 11 track Masterpeace on February 25th 2022.


The UK born singer took four years to release her most authentic, vulnerable and ground-breaking studio release to date. Choosing to write and co-produce all 11 tracks herself, Masterpeace is an undiluted and unapologetic expression of Rachel Kerr’s most sincere musical work. 

Whether it’s with soulful, self-approving, positive affirmations, powerful R&B reminders that we are never alone, or head-bopping, hip-hop charged anthems reminding us that our best is yet to come- this 11 track anthem packed album, paired with Rachel’s world-class voice and witty penmanship is a force to be reckoned with.


Rachel Kerr is a dynamic performer who has made great strides since she stepped into the music scene. She is decorated with a MOBO award, UK Entertainment award and Grammy Award considerations in various categories. She has sold out the O2 London Islington arena, toured America, the Caribbean, Africa and Europe.

Her musical accolades have granted her personal invitations from the UK Prime Minister to attend 10 Downing Street where she was commended for her contributions to music. She was also honored with an invitation to sing for the Former US President.


Her debut album alongside, a 1 hour free Online Concert, 3 official music videos and various other assets await release. 


It’s more than releasing my first album, I’m releasing hope through my musical Masterpeace...

You only get one debut album… it has to be right. I want to be proud and moved to listen to it 20 years from now… so after 4 years, finally, I have peace, it’s ready, so I present to you my Master-peace!

All songs written by Rachel Kerr

All Vocal Production & Backing Vocal by Rachel Kerr

Awards & Accolades:


  • Grammy Consideration 

  • UK Entertainment Award 

  • BET Sunday Best UK Judge

  • Sell-out concert, Islington O2 London

  • BET Music Matters Tour


Tour 2022

Lead Single: "I Do" 

Single: "Center" (Unreleased- draft video/Not Graded)


"Rachel Kerr is fast becoming a household name among music lovers… Rachel is a certified star, one who has dazzled fanatics alongside music icons"

Single: "Alive" (Grammy Considered Song)

Single: "All For You" (Grammy Considered Song)

“Plain and simple, this woman’s high-powered voice, coupled with her gift to inspire others, makes her untouchable.”

“ ...someone with such powerful voice, who is at the top of her field, and with so many achievements under her belt could be that humble…”

Additional Video: "Artist In Me" (Unreleased- draft video/Not Graded)


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